Steel Wrath

Games Fleadh 2018 Winner

Project Status:Complete
Project Type:College
Project Duration:4 months
Software Used:MonoGame, Penumbra Lighting Engine
Languages Used:C#

STEEL WRATH is a 2D top-down, tank Shoot ‘em Up game written in C# on a custom engine built in the MonoGame framework. The player controls a tank to fight against hordes of rogue, artificial intelligent tanks on a desolate planet.

The game features action tank controls, tank crew power-ups, procedurally generated tank spawns and tank types. I also implemented an A* path-finding algorithm in combination with custom AI behaviors for the enemy tanks. Plans to have procedurally generated maps in the game were scrapped due to time constraints.

Developed during my 2nd year of Games Development in IT Sligo.
My role extended to all areas, consisting mostly of game designer, programmer and artist.
