Cry of Fear: Halloween Collaboration

November 2012

Project Status:Complete
Project Type:Personal
Project Duration:2 weeks
Software Used:Cry of Fear SDK, GoldSrc, Valve Hammer Editor, Jed’s Half-Life Model Viewer
Languages Used:None

Over a development period of 2 weeks, at the age of 15 I worked with Cry of Fear’s talented community of mappers over Skype calls, developing the third chapter of the custom campaign under the moniker ‘Darkydude’ using Valve’s Hammer Editor.

The level entry has a tension build up scenario in effort to scare the player and composes of new in-game models, sounds and textures. I scripted an event based scare that garnered plenty of feedback and is featured in many thumbnails of YouTube gameplay videos.

That was totally unnecessary for my heart.

Markiplier 2015

This custom campaign is still free to play on Cry of Fear and is available on Steam.